14th Conference on Logic and the
Foundations of Game and Decision Theory

University of Gronigen (The Netherlands), 20-22 July 2022

Conference Chairs
Giacomo Bonanno, University of California Davis, U.S.A.
Davide Grossi, Universities of Groningen and Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wiebe van der Hoek, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Barteld Kooi, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

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Wednesday, July 20
8:30-9:00 Registration 
9:00-9:10 Welcome
9:10-10:05 Invited talk:   Itzhak Gilboa (HEC, Paris)
                      Decision theory as a consistency test

10:10-10:50  CANCELLED            Christopher Kops, Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti and Illia Pasichnichenko
                                      Revealing What Really Matters (For Choice) 
10:50-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:55 Giacomo Bonanno
Rational play in games
11:55-12:35 Martin Meier and Andrés Perea
Forward Induction in a Backward Inductive Manner
12:35-14:05 Lunch Break 
14:05-14:45 Burkhard Schipper
Interactive Awareness of Unawareness
14:45-15:25 Masayuki Tashiro
A Model of Evidence-based Deliberation for a Group of Agents with a Difference in Awareness
15:25-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:40 Thomas Ågotnes and Zoé Christoff
Reasoning about Cascading Ability in Social Networks
16:40-17:20 Alex Carver and Paolo Turrini
Impartial Peer Reviewing and Manipulation Under Uncertainty
17:20-17:30 Short Break
17:30-18:10 Joep van Sloun
 Rationalizable Behavior in the Hotelling-Downs Model of Spatial Competition
19:00 Reception at  Van Swinderenhuys 

Thursday, July 21
9:00-9:55 Invited talk:    Hannes  Leitgeb  (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Munich)
                       Rationality and Vector Space Models  
10:00-10:40 Elias Tsakas
Identification of misreported beliefs
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-11:50 Emiliano Catonini  (remotely, via Zoom)
A Dutch book argument for belief consistency
11:50-12:30 Satoshi Fukuda
The Existence of Universal Qualitative Belief Spaces
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break 
14:00-14:55 Invited talk:    Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen)
                       Forward or backward induction: What do people decide to do after a strange move by their opponent?
15:00-15:40 Stephan Jagau
Additive Context-Dependent Preferences
15:40-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-16:50 Andrew Mackenzie
On atoms and event richness in Savage's model
16:50-17:30 Boning Yu  (remotely, via Zoom)
A Criticism of Risk-Weighted Expected Utility Theory
17:30-17:40 Short Break
17:40-18:20 Edoardo Baccini, Zoé Christoff and Rineke Verbrugge
Opinion Diffusion in Similarity-Driven Networks
19:00 Social dinner at  Het Feithuis

Friday, July 22
9:00-9:55 Invited talk:    Sophie Bade (Royal Holloway College, London)
Ambiguity by design
10:00-10:40 Christian W. Bach and Stephan Jagau
The Incompatibility of Iterated Admissibility and Equilibrium 
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-11:50 Gabriel Ziegler and Pierfrancesco Guarino
Optimism and Pessimism in Strategic Interactions under Ignorance
11:50-12:30 Mehmet Ismail
The strategy of conflict and cooperation
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break 
14:00-14:40 Leyla Ade and Olivier Roy
Team Reasoning from an Evolutionary Perspective: Categorization and Fitness 
14:40-15:20 Caspar Oesterheld, Abram Demski and Vincent Conitzer
A theory of bounded inductive rationality
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:30 Katrine Bjørn Pedersen Thoft and Nina Gierasimczuk
Learning by Intervention in Simple Causal Domains
16:30-17:10 Hans van Ditmarsch, Louwe Kuijer and Mo Liu
Normative Arrow Update Logic
17:10-17:20 Short Break
17:20-18:00 Paolo Baldi
 Logic-based Approximations of Preferences 