Second Conference on


ICER - Villa Gualino - Viale Settimio Severo, 63 - 10133 Torino, Italy (URL:

December 19 - 22, 1996

Organized by Giacomo Bonanno (University of California Davis, USA), Enrico Colombatto (ICER, Torino),  Mamoru Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Japan) and Philippe Mongin (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France)
Final Program

December 19 (Thursday)

9:10-9:20 Opening of the conference


Inductive Reasoning and Belief Revision

9:20-10:00: Samet, D.  How Bayesian Agents Perceive Themselves

10:10-10:50: Matsui, A. (with M. Kaneko)  Individual Interpretations of Society Based on Experiences

  Coffee break 


11:20-12:00: Osherson, D. (with E. Martin)  Belief Revision in the Service of Scientific Discovery

12:10-12:50: Battigalli, P. (with G. Bonanno)  The Logic of Belief Persistence



3:00-4:00: Invited Talk: Binmore, K.   Evolutionary Drift and Equilibrium Selection

  Coffee break 


Game Theoretical Issues 1

4:20-4:50: Balkenborg, D. (with E. Winter)  A Necessary and Sufficient Epistemic Condition for Playing Backward iInduction

5:00-5:30: Vilks, A.  Knowledge of the Game, Rationality, and Backward Induction

5:40-6:10: Tasiro, H.   Noncomputability of Backward Induction Solutions

  8:30 Welcome dinner, ristorante Arcadia


December 20 (Friday)

Epistemic Logic and Applications 1

9:20-10:00: Simon, R.  The Difference Between Common Knowledge of Formulas and Sets

10:10-10:50: Lavendhomme, T.  For a Modal Approach of Knowledge Revision and Nonmonotonicity

  Coffee break 

11:20-12:00: Colombetti, M.   A Formal Model of Intentional Communication

12:10-12:50: Lehrer, E.   An Approach to the Conditional Expectation of Non-Additive Probabilities



3:00-4:00: Invited Talk: Segerberg, K.   Doxastic Actions and their Logic

  Coffee break 


Game Theoretic Issues 2

4:20-5:00: Peleg, B.   A Formal Approach to Nash’s Program

5:10-5:50: Ewerhart, C.   Commonly Assumed Admissibility

December 21 (Saturday

Beliefs and Decisions 1

9:20-10:00: Lipman, B.L.   State Space Representations of Boundedly Rational Reasoning

10:10-10:50: Hammond, P.    Non-Archimedean Probabilities in the Theory of Games and Decisions

  Coffee break 


11:20-12:00: Ghirardato, P.    Ignorance, Inconsistency and Naiveté

12:10-12:50: Heifetz, A. (with D. Samet)   Topology-free typology of beliefs


Afternoon: Free

  8:30 Second official dinner, ristorante La Capannina 


December 22 (Sunday), Morning

Session: Epistemic Logic and Applications 2

9:20-10:00: Kaneko, M.  Epistemic Considerations of Nash Equilibrium

10:10-10:50: Bonanno, G. (with K. Nehring)  Assessing the Truth Axiom under Incomplete Information

  Coffee break 


11:20-12:00: van der Hoek, W. (with B. van Linder and J.-J. Ch. Meyer)   Group Knowledge is not always Distributed

12:10-12:30: Walliser, B.  Revision of probabilistic beliefs

12:40-13:00: Ferrante, V.  Common Belief in Minimal Epistemic Logic



December 22 (Sunday), Afternoon

3:00-4:00: Invited Talk: Stalnaker, R.  Belief Revision and Induction: Backward and Forward

  Coffee break 


Session: Beliefs and Decisions 2

4:20-5:00: Nehring, K.  Preference and Belief without the Independence Axiom

5:10-5:50: Epstein, L.G. (with J. Zhang)   Beliefs and Capacities