December 17 (Thursday) |
Beliefs and belief revision 1
9:20-10:05: | Hans Rott, Two dogmas of belief revision |
10:05-10:50: | Oliver Schulte, Minimal theory change and the Pareto principle |
coffee break
11:20-12:20: Robert Aumann,
Common priors
Game theoretical issues 1
2:20-3:20: | Johan van Benthem, Games in the light of logical dynamics |
3:20-4:05: | Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz (with Wojciech Penczek), Distributed BDI-games |
coffee break
4:30-5:15 | Klaus Nehring, Correlated equilibrium under incomplete information |
5:15-6:00 | Pierpaolo Battigalli (with Marciano Siniscalchi), An
epistemic characterization of
extensive-form rationalizability |
6:00-6:45 | Oliver Board, Belief revision and rationalizability |
8:30 Welcome dinner: Ristorante Le Tre Galline
December 18 (Friday) |
Beliefs and belief revision 2
9:20-10:05: | Pedrito Maynard-Reid II (with Yoav Shoham), From belief revision
belief fusion |
10:05-10:50: | Giacomo Bonanno, Consistent predictions |
coffee break
11:20-12:20: Isaac Levi, Full belief and serious possibility
Probability: foundations and applications
2:20-3:20: | Glenn Shafer, A game-theoretic foundation for probability |
3:20-4:20: | Philippe Mongin (with Aviad Heifetz), A probability logic
interpretable in terms of
game-theoretic types |
coffee break
4:45-5:45: | Ehud Kalai (with M. Jackson and R. Smorodinsky), Bayesian
representation of stochastic processes under learning: de Finetti. |
5:45-6:30: | Frans Voorbraak, Optimising and satisficing under partial ignorance |
December 19 (Saturday) |
Multiagent systems
9:00-9:45: | Cees Witteveen (with Wiebe van der Hoek), Theory recovery in a multi-agent context |
9:45-10:30: | Wiebe van der Hoek, Modalities for motivational attitudes |
coffee break
Game-theoretical issues 2
11:00-12:00: | Robert Stalnaker, Counterfactual propositions in models for games |
12:00-12:45: | Arnis Vilks, A logic for changing beliefs with applications
to reasoning about decisions
and games |
Afternoon: Free
December 20 (Sunday) |
Beliefs and preferences
9:20-10:05: | Adam Brandenburger, On the existence of a 'complete' belief model |
10:05-11:05: | Ariel Rubinstein, Definable Preferences |
coffee break
11:35-12:35: Frank Wolter, Modal logic of knowledge based
on description logics
Logic, epistemic logic and game-theoretic applications
2:00-2:45: | Mamoru Kaneko, Evolution of thoughts: deductive game theories in the inductive game situation |
2:45-3:30: | Nobu-Yuki Suzuki (with Mamoru kaneko), Semantics for game logics of shallow depth |
coffee break
8:30 Farewell
dinner: Ristorante La Spada Reale
Patrick Blackburn
Takako Fujiwara-Greve
Itzhak Gilboa
Thierry Lavendhomme
Andy McLennan
Marc Pauly
Wojciech Penczek
Marciano Siniscalchi
Anne van den Nouweland
Yde Venema
Alberto Zanardo