Professor Colin Cameron
Tuesday Thursday 10.30 am - 11.50 pm Young 184
Course Goals: Cover several topics in cross-section
econometrics not covered in previous classes.
Basic theory will be presented plus implementation using Stata.
Brief Course Outline
Classes 1-10 Statistical Learning / Machine
Learning and Causal Econometrics with Machine Learning
Class 12-13 Simulation and Monte
Carlo experiments
Classes 14-15 Bayesian regression, multiple imputation
Class 16
Simulated maximum likelihood
Class 17
Classes 18-19 Cluster-robust inference
Classes 20 Spatial regression
Course will mostly use Stata.
Additionally we wilI use Python for machine learning. For
Python click here.
A good Python reference is Kevin Sheppard (2021), Introduction
to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis:
Fourth+ Edition"
pdf at
Texts for Machine Learning
For Stata Implementation and Some Theory
MUS2: Chapter 28 of Colin Cameron and Pravin Trivedi
(2023), Microeconometrics using Stata: Volume 2:
Nonlinear Models and Causal Inference, Second Edition, Stata
Pdf of a draft of chapter 28 will be available at the course
Canvas site.
For statistical learning the main text is an undergraduate level /
Masters level book
ISLR2: Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and
Robert Tibshirani (2021), An Introduction to Statistical
Learning: with Applications in R, Second Edition,
ISLP: Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert
Tibshirani and Jonathan Taylor (2023), An Introduction to
Statistical Learning: with Applications in Python,
Free legal pdfs are at
A $40 hardcopy can be ordered via Springer MyCopy
Supplementary material on statistical learning is in the Ph.D.
level book
ESL: Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman
(2009), The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining,
Inference and Prediction, Springer.
A free legal pdf is at
Texts for Other Topics
MMA: Colin Cameron and Pravin Trivedi (2005),
Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University
MUS2: Colin Cameron and Pravin Trivedi (2023),
Microeconometrics using Stata, Second Edition, Stata Press.
More detailed Course Outline:
Class 1
Course slides
ML Part 1 Model selection and cross validation
Course slides
ISL Chapters 5.1, 6.1; MUS2 Chapter 28.1-28.2 and 11.3.8.
Classes 2-3
ML Part 2: Shrinkage methods (lasso, ridge, elastic net)
Course slides
ISL Chapters 6.2; ESL pp.73-79, 86-9; MUS2 Chapter 28.3-28.4
Classes 4-5
ML Part 3: ML for causal inference using lasso
Course slides
MUS2 Chapter 28.8
Alex Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov and Christian Hansen (2014),
"High-dimensional methods and inference on structural and
treatment effects," Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Spring, 29-50.
Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Mert Demirer, Esther
Duflo, Christian Hansen, Whitney Newey and James Robins (2018),
"Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural
parameters," The Econometrics Journal, 21, C1-C68.
Classes 6-7
ML Part 4: Other ML methods for prediction
Course slides
MUS2 Chapter 28.5, 28.6.1-28.6.6, 28.7
Principal Components and Partial Least Squares (ISL chapter 6.3)
High-dimensional Data (ISL chapter 6.4)
Polynomials, Step Functions and Basis Functions (ISL chapter
Splines (ISL chapter 7.4-7.5)
Local Regression (ISL chapter 7.6)
Generalized Additive Models (ISL chapter 7.7)
Regression Trees (ISL chapter 8.1)
Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting (ISL chapter 8.2)
Neural Networks (ISL chapter 10.1-10.7)
Sendhil Mullainathan and J. Spiess: "Machine Learning: An Applied
Econometric Approach", Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Spring 2017, 87-106.
Hal Varian, "Big Data: New Tricks for Econometrics", Journal
of Economic Perspectives, Spring, 3-28.
Classes 8-9
ML Part 5: More ML for causal inference, especially ATE
with heterogeneous effects
Course slides which include references
MUS2 Chapter 28.6.7, 28.6.8
Class 10
ML Part 6: Classification and unsupervised learning
Course slides
Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis (ISL chapter
Support Vector Machines (ISL chapter 9.1-9.3)
Unsupervised Learning (ISL chapter 12.1-12.4)
Class 11
Midterm Exam
Classes 12-13
Simulation and Monte Carlo Experiments
Course slides, MMA chapter 12, MUS2 chapter 5
Class 14
Bayes Part 1: MCMC theory and application in Stata
Course slides, MMA chapter 13, MUS2 chapter 29
Class 15
Bayes Part 2: Data Augmentation, Imputation
Course slides, MMA chapter 13, 27, MUS2 chapter 30.
Class 16
Maximum Simulated Likelihood
Course slides, MMA Chapter 12.
Class 17
Course slides, MMA Chapter 11.
Classes 18-19
Cluster-robust Inference
Course slides
Class 20
Spatial Regression
Course Grading:
Assignments 40% Due 10.30 am Ass 1 due April 15 (Tuesday);
Ass 2 due May 6 (Tuesday), Ass 3 due May 20 (Tuesday), Ass 4 due
June 5 (Wednesday).
(Submit as pdf under Canvas / assignments)
Midterm 30% Thursday
May 8 10.30 am Machine learning In-class exam
Final 30%
Thursday June 12 10.30am - 12.30pm Material after
machine learning. In-class
Assignments must be handed in on time, so solutions can be
discussed in class and distributed in a timely manner.
No credit for late assignments. All must be done.
Academic integrity is required. What is academic integrity? See
the UCD Student Judicial Affairs website
As an exception to their rules, I permit some collaboration with
other students in doing assignments, but the work handed in must
be your own. Each person must create their own Stata output and
write up their own answers. And you are to write on your
assignment the name of the person(s) you worked with.
Exams will be closed book.