with Neil Cummins, Daniel Diaz Vidal,
Yu Hao
of Contents
Winner of 2015 Gyorgy Ranki Prize, Economic History Association
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles for 201
One of Vox’s "Best Books We Read in 2014"
Honorable Mention for the 2015 PROSE Award in Economics, Association of American Publishers
Princeton University Press
Barnes and Noble (USA)
IndieBound (USA)
Amazon (UK)
Your Fate? Thank Your Ancestor. New York Times, Feb 21, 2014
The cruel key to individual prosperity: choosing the right ancestorsPBS News Hour: Making Sen$e, July 16, 2014.
The American Dream is an Illusion: Immigration and Inequality. Foreign Affairs, August 26, 2014.
Social mobility barely exists but let’s not give up on equality. The Guardian, February 4, 2015
Is Most Wealth Inherited or Created? February, 2015. Forthcoming, New York Law Review (with Neil Cummins)
Truth about Social Mobility. Royal Society
of Arts, London, March 6, 2014. Audio
Video (edited)
Economic History Review. November, 2015 (Ineke Maas)
Que Restet-Il de la Méritocratie? Revue des Deux Mondes. March, 2015 (Annick Steta)
Journal of Economic History. March, 2015 (Richard Breen)
Det sociala arvet. Axess, 29 March, 2015 (Erik W LArsson) (Sweden)EH.net (Economic History Association). Sept, 2014 (Laura Salisbury)
Je sociale status staat in je genen geschreven. de Correspondent (Netherlands), Sept. 18, 2014 (Rutger Bregman).
Immigration and the Persistence of Social Status. National Review, Sept. 1, 2014 (Reihan Salam)
Efternamnens sega struktur. Forskning&Framsteg (Sweden), Aug 22, 2014.
Is Social Mobility a Myth? The American Conservative (Gene Callahan), July 31, 2014.
Aufsteig aus der Familienkiste. Die Presse (Oliver Grimm), July 12, 2014.
Bon sang ne saurait faiblir. Le Monde (Baptiste Coulmont), Jul 7, 2014.
What's in a Name? Everything. The Atlantic (Benjamin Friedman), July/August 2014.
All in the Second Name. Business World (Shankar Jaganathan), July 2014.
It Pays to Choose Your Ancestors Carefully. Quadrant Magazine (Australia) (Peter Murphy), June 2014.
Synthesis: Where Have You Gone, Horatio Alger? Harvard Business Review Magazine (Tim Sullivan), June 2014.
Social Mobility, fixed forever? Gregory Clark's The Son Also Rises is a book of scholarship, and of scholastic overreach. Science (Miles Corak), May 23, 2014
Class Inaction. The Quarterly Review (Edward Dutton), May 21, 2014.
Does Capitalism Create Social Mobility? Strategy+Business (Theodore Kinni), May 21, 2014.
The Remarkable Persistence of Power and Privilege. Sidney Morning Herald (Andrew Leigh), May 17, 2014.
For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls. The Chronicle Review (Eli Cook), May 12, 2014.
Jellyfish McSaveloy and the social mobility of surnames. New Statesman (Sophie McBain), May 8, 2014.
The Great Grandson Also Rises. Econlib.org (David Henderson), May 7, 2014.
De beste familier. Dagens Næringsliv (Norway) (Bård Bjerkholt), May 6, 2014.
Heridability of Social Status. Econlib.org (Arnold Kling), May 5, 2014.
Franco-Americans are the unlikely underclass. Bangor Daily News (Tom Oliver), May 5, 2014.
The economics of a strong democracy. India Together (Shankar Jaganathan), May 5, 2014
Review, Library Journal, May 1, 2014.
The Son Also Rises (Capsule Review) Foreign Affairs (Richard Cooper), May/June 2014
The Remarkable Persistence of Power and Privilege. Inside Story (Australia) (Andrew Leigh), April 30, 2014.
Spokój klas: Dlaczego biedni zawsze pozostana biednymi? Gazeta Prawna (Warsaw) (Rafał Woś), April 30, 2014.
Does a baby's name affect its chances in life? BBC News Magazine (William Kremer), April 11, 2014.
Give it up, Psmithe. Taki Magazine (Steve Sailer), April 9, 2014
What's in a Surname? Success, Maybe. Caixin Online (Richard Cooper), April 3, 2014.
Debunking the Myth of Social Mobility. Bloomberg Businessweek (Brendan Greeley), April 3, 2014.
What's in a Name? Literary Review (Erik Kaufman), March 29, 2014.
'Sipag at Tiyaga' is crap. Success is about surnames. Manila Times (Marlen V. Ronquillo), March 25, 2014.
Your ancestry may be your destiny. Toronto Globe and Mail (Margaret Wente), March 22, 2014.
Il vero segreto del successo? È nel cognomen. Venerdi La Repubblica (Dedo Tortona), March 21, 2014.
Choose Your Ancestors Carefully. Enlightened Economics (Diane Coyle), March 19, 2014.
venerable name can be a key to upward mobility.
Washington Examiner (Michael Barone), March 19, 2014.
réussite socio-économique dépend-elle de vos gènes?
Want Success: Choose the Right Parents. Bloomberg View (Clive Crook), March 16, 2014.
El éxito se hereda. El Meridiano de Córdoba, March 16, 2014.
Review: The
Son Also Rises. Wall Street Journal
(Trevor Butterworth), March 14, 2014.
of historical surnames suggests social mobility is low
for generations. Washington Examiner
(Joseph Lawler), March 14, 2014.
Mobility and The Son Also Rises: The Good.
March 10
Mobility and The Son Also Rises: The Bad.
March 11.
Mobility and The Son Also Rises: The Ugly.
March 12.
Mobility and The Son Also Rises: Reply from
Clark. March 14.
Brookings Institution (Richard Reeves, Joanna
mobility: a family affair. Financial Times
(Gillian Tett), March 7, 2014.
Spirit: Progeny of Japan's Warrior Elite Retain Edge
Today. Wall Street
Journal-Japan (Alexander Martin), March
4, 2014.
you want to improve social mobility, Mr Cameron, dish
out new genes. Sunday
Times (Harry Mount), March
2, 2014.
Die neue Klassengesellschaft. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Rainer Hank), March 1, 2014
sitt grepp.
Lottery. The Independent,
Feb 26, 2014
Rico, Homem Pobre, Ver, Feb 20, 2014
Oh no. Have I let my children have too much self esteem? The Spectator, Feb 15, 2014
and Have Not: A new study shows just how slow it is to
change social class. The Economist,
Feb 1, 2014
doesn't work. It's in the Left's interest to
recognise this. The Spectator,
Jan 30, 2014.
The Son Also Rises: How your surname predicts your social status.Pod Academy (Craig Barfoot), July 13, 2014
Does your name determine your destiny? RN - Sunday Extra (Jonathan Green), ABC Radio (Australia). 27 April, 2014
What's in a name? Quite a lot, it seems. VoxEU (Viv Davies), April 4, 2014.
Gregory Clark on Names. Social Science Bites (Dave Edmonds), April 2, 2014.
Awans społeczny zależy od genów. Obserwator Finansowy (Sebastian Stodolak), March 26, 2014
Marketplace, NPR. March 24, 2014.
Social Mobility: are we too complacent? BBC World Service, The Forum. March 22, 2014.
Clark on Social Mobility. Prospect
Magazine (Jonathan Derbyshire), March 14, 2014.
Why Factor - Family Names. BBC World
Service, March 14, 2014. Audio.
Allowed. BBC Radio 4, March 5,
2014. Podcast.
on the Social Ladder The Economist,
Feb 25, 2014, Audio Interview
שנשלחה אליך מאתר הארץ
Asher Schechter, Ha'aretz-The Marker
Everyone likes the idea of equal opportunity. This economist thinks it's a fantasy. Dylan Matthews, Washington Post, Wonkblog
Family Wealth Lasts Ten to Fifteen Generations. An Interview with Gregory Clark, Historian of Social Mobility. Alice Robb, New Republic
Upward Mobility in America a Fantasy? Josh
Harkinson, Mother Jones
Wealth Mobility in England, 1858-2012. Surnames and
Social Mobility (Dec, 2013) (with Neil
Cummins) (forthcoming, Economic Journal, 2014).
and Social Mobility: England 1230-2012 (Dec 2013)
(with Neil Cummins)
a New Source for the History of Social Mobility
(Feb, 2014) (with Neil Cummins, Yu Hao,
Daniel Diaz Vidal).
Forthcoming, Explorations in Economic History,
versus Class: Social Mobility in India, 1860-2012
(Dec 2013) (with Zack Landes)
Mobility in Japan, 1868-2012. The Surprising
Persistence of the Samurai (2012) (with Tatsuya
Mobility in China, 1645-2012. A Surname Study
(November, 2012) (with Yu Hao).
Gaetano, Andrea Catania, Giovanna Labartino, Davide
Malacrino, Paola Monti, and Michele Pellizzari, "Family
Ties in Licensed Professions in Italy."
Working Paper.
Dolores, Ignacio Ortuño Ortín, and Anrés Romeu, 2008,
“Surnames and social status in Spain,” Investigaciones
Económicas, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 259-287.
M. Dolores, Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín, Andrés Romeu. 2013. “Long-run
intergenerational social mobility and the distribution
of surnames.” Working
María de los Angeles Rojas-Alvarado, and Ricardo M.
Cerda-Flores, 2000, “Prevalence of NIDDM in Mexicans with
paraphyletic and polyphyletic surnames”, American
Journal of Human Biology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp.
Maia, Rodrigue Mora, Jose Vicente and Chris Telmer, 2007.
“Intergenerational mobility and the informative content of
surnames.” CEPR Discussion paper No 6316.
Turi E. and Mark A. Jobling. 2009. “What's in a name? Y
chromosomes, surnames and the genetic genealogy
revolution,” Trends in Genetics,
25(8): 351-360.
Gabriel W. 1985. Surnames
and Genetic Structure. Cambridge University Press.
Claudia, and M. Daniele Paserman. 2013. “In
the Name of the Son (and the Daughter):
Intergenerational Mobility in the United States,
1850–1930.” NBER Working Paper no. 18822.
Paik, Christopher.
2013. “Does Lineage Matter? A Study of Ancestral Influence
on Educational Attainment in Korea.” Working Paper, New
York University Abu Dhabi.
A., 2013, “Surname
Frequency and Lifespan,” manuscript.
Nathaniel. 1989. The
Geography of American Achievement. Washington,