The Unawareness Bibliography
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Last update: February 16, 2025
Accorsi, R., Basin, D., Vigano, L. (2003). Towards an awareness-based semantics for security protocol analysis, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 55, 5-24.
Agotnes, T., Alechina, N. (2014). A logic for reasoning about knowledge of unawareness, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 23, 197-217.
Agotnes, T., Alechina, N. (2007). Full and relative awareness: A decidable logic for reasoning about knowledge of unawareness, in: Samet, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2007), Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 6-14.
Araujo, F., Piermont, E. (2023). Unawareness and risk taking: The role of context, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 208, 61-79.
Artemov, S. (2020). Justification awareness, Journal of Logic and Computation 30, 1431-1446.
Artemov, S. (2018). Justification awareness models, in: Artemov, S., Nerode, A. (eds.) Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10703. Springer, 22-36.
Auster, S. (2013). Asymmetric awareness and moral hazard, Games and Economic Behavior 82, 503-521.
Auster, S., Pavoni, N. (2024). Optimal delegation and information transmission under limited awareness, Theoretical Economics 19, 245-284.
Auster, S., Pavoni, N. (2022). Limited awareness and financial intermediation, mimeo., University of Bonn.
Becker, C.K., Melkonyan, T., Proto, E., Sofianos, A., Trautmann, S.T. (2024). Reverse Bayesianism: Revising beliefs in light of unforeseen events, Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
Belardinelli, G., Rendsvig K.R. (2023). Awareness logic: Kripke lattices as a middle ground between syntactic and semantic models, Journal of Logic and Computation 33, 1186-1215.
Belardinelli, G., Rendsvig, K.R. (2021). Awareness logic: A Kripke-based rendition of the Heifetz-Meier-Schipper model and a dynamic extension, in: Logical Aspects in Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning, LAMAS&SR 2021.
Belardinelli, G., Rendsvig, K.R. (2020). Awareness logic: A Kripke-based rendition of the Heifetz-Meier-Schipper model, in: Martins, M.A., Sedlár, I. (eds.), Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications. DaLi 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12569. Springer.
Belardinelli, G., Schipper, B.C. (2024). Tacit knowledge, mimeo., University of California, Davis.
Belardinelli, G., Schipper, B.C. (2024). Implicit knowledge in unawareness structures, Synthese 204, 141.
Belardinelli, G., Schipper, B.C. (2023). Implicit knowledge in unawareness structures - Extended abstract, in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Nineteens Conference (TARK 2023), Rineke Verbrugge (Ed.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 379, 93-112.
van Benthem, J., Velazquez-Quesada, F.R. (2010). The dynamic of awareness, Synthese 177, 5-27.
van den Berg, L., Atencia, M., Euzenat J. (2023). Raising awareness without disclosing truth, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 91, 431-464.
Blume, A., Gneezy, U. (2010). Cognitive forward induction and coordination without common knowledge: theory and evidence, Games and Economic Behavior, 68, 488-511.
Board, O., Chung, K.S. (2022). Object-based unawareness: Theory and applications, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 7, 1-43.
Board, O., Chung, K.S. (2021). Object-based unawareness: Axioms, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 6, 1-36.
Board, O., Chung, K.S., Schipper, B.C. (2011). Two models of unawareness: Comparing the object-based and subjective-state-space approaches, Synthese 179, 13-34.Free PDF
Bryan, K, Ryall, M., Schipper, B.C. (2022). Value-capture in the face of known and unknown unknowns, Strategy Science 7, 157–189. Free PDF
Burrieza, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, C. (2015). Distributed explicit knowledge and collective awareness, Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 116, 195-203.
Chakravarty, S., Kelsey, D., Teitelbaum, J.C. (2022). Reverse Bayesianism and act independence, Journal of Economic Theory 203, 105495.
Chang, C., Liu, S.H. (2011). Unawareness and the standard-state space models, mimeo., National Tsing Hua University.
Chen, Y.C., Ely, J., Luo, X. (2012). Note on unawareness: Negative introspection versus AU introspection (and KU introspection), International Journal of Game Theory 41, 325-329.
Chen, Y.J., Zhao, X.J. (2013). Solution concepts of principal-agent models with unawareness of actions, Games 4, 508-531.
Chen, Y.J., Zhao, X.J. (2009). Contractual traps, in: Heifetz, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2009).
Chen, Z.W., Zhao, X.J. (2023). Strategic information suppression in borrowing and pre-lending cognition: Theory and evidence, Games 14, 1-24.
Chung, K.S., Fortnow, L. (2016). Loopholes, Economic Journal 126, 1774–1797.
Condie, S., Stentoft, L., Vierø, M.-L. (2023). Unawareness premia, mimeo., Aarhus University.
Copic, J., Galeotti, A. (2007). Awareness equilibrium, mimeo., UCLA.
Cozic, M. (2016). Probablistic unawareness, Games 7, 38.
Dekel, E., Lipman, B., Rustichini, A. (1998). Standard state-space models preclude unawareness, Econometrica 66, 159-173.
Devanur, N.R., Fortnow, L. (2009). A computational theory of awareness and decision making, in: Heifetz, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2009), 99-107.
Diaye, M.A. and D. Schoch (2010). A generalized state space for unawareness, mimeo., Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Dietrich, F. (2018). Savage's theorem under changing awareness, Journal of Economic Theory 176, 1-54.
van Ditmarsch, H., French, T. (2014). Semantics for knowledge and change of awareness, Journal for Logic, Language, and Information 23, 169-195.
van Ditmarsch, H. and T. French (2011). On the interactions of awareness and certainty, in: D. Wang and M. Reynolds (Eds.), Proceedings of 24th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 11), LNCS 7106, Springer, 727-738.
van Ditmarsch, H. and T. French (2011). Becoming aware of propositional variables, in: M. Banerjee and A. Seth (Eds.), ICLA 2011, LNAI 6521, Springer, 204-218.
van Ditmarsch, H. and T. French (2009). Awareness and forgetting of facts and agents, in: P. Boldi and G. Vizzari and G. Pasi and R. Baeza-Yates (Eds.),Proceedings of WI-IAT Workshops 2009, IEEE Press, 478-483. (WorkshopWLIAMAS.)
van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., Velazquez-Quesada, F. R., and Y. N. Wang (2018). Implicit, explicit, and speculative knowledge, Artificial Intelligence 256, 35-67.
van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., Velazquez-Quesada, F. R., and Y. N. Wang (2013). Knowledge, awareness, and bisimulation, in: B.C. Schipper (Ed.), Proceedings of 14th Conference on Theoretical
Aspects of Rationalityand Knowledge (TARK 2013), ACM, 61-70.
van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., and F.R. Velazquez-Quesada (2012). Action models for knowledge and awareness. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), 1091-1098.
Dominiak, A., Tserenjigmid, G. (2022). Ambiguity under growing awareness, Journal of Economic Theory 199, 105256.
Dominiak, A., Tserenjigmid, G. (2018). Belief consistency and invariant risk preferences, Journal of Mathematical Economics 79, 157–162.
Dubus, A. (2020). Asymmetric awareness and heterogeneous agents, Rationality and Society 32, 461-484.
Eichberger, J., Guerdjikova, A. (2023). Cases and states, University of Heidelberg.
Ewerhart, C. (2001). Heterogeneous awareness and the possibility of agreement, mimeo., University of Bonn.
Ewerhart, C. (2001). An example for a game involving unawareness: The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, mimeo.
Fagin, R., Halpern, J. (1988). Belief, awareness, and limited reasoning, Artificial Intelligence 34, 39-76.
Fang, Y.H. (2011). Games with and without unawareness, mimeo., University of Chicago.
Feinberg, Y. (2021). Games with unawareness, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 433-488.
Feinberg, Y. (2004). Subjective reasoning - games with unawareness, mimeo., Stanford University.
Feinberg, Y. (2005). Games with incomplete awareness, mimeo., Stanford University.
Feinberg, Y. (2011). Strategic communication, in: K.R. Apt (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2011), ACM, 1-11.
Fernández-Fernández, C. (2021). Awareness in logic and epistemology, Springer-Verlag.
Fernández-Fernández, C. (2019). Awareness Logic: an epistemological defense, Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science 22, 72-85.
Fernández-Fernández, C., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R. (2021). Awareness of and awareness that: their combination and dynamics, Logic Journal of the IGPL 28, 601-628.
Fernández-Fernández, C., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R. (2018). A formal model for explicit knowledge as awareness-of plus awareness-that, in: Sedlar, I., Bilcha, M. (Eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2018, 101-115.
Filiz-Ozbay, E. (2012). Incorporating unawareness into contract theory, Games and Economic Behavior 76, 181-194.
Frackiewicz, P. (2019). Quantum penny flip game with unawareness, Quantum Information Processing 18, 15.
Frackiewicz, P. (2018). Quantum games with unawareness, Entropy 20, 555.
Frackiewicz, P., Bilski, J. (2019). Quantum games with unawareness with duopoly problems in view, Entropy 21, 1097.
Francetich, A., Schipper, B.C. (2023). Rationalizable screening and disclosure under unawareness, University of California, Davis.
Franke, M. (2014). Pragmatic reasoning about unawareness, Erkenntnis 79, 729-767.
Franke, M. (2010). Modal models for games with unawareness, mimeo., University of Tuebingen.
Franke, M., de Jager, T. (2011). Now that you mention it: Awareness Dynamics in Discourse and Decisions, in: Benz A., Ebert C., Jäger G., van Rooij R. (eds.) Language, Games, and Evolution. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6207. Springer, 60-91.
Franke, M., de Jager, T. (2007). The relevance of awareness, in: Aloni, M., Dekker, P., Roelofsen, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Amsterdam Colloqium, 97-102.
Fritz, P., Lederman, H. (2015). Standard state-space models of unawareness, in: Ramanujam, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15. Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2015), Electronic Proceedings in Computer Science, Vol. 215.
Fukuda, S. (2024). On the axiomatization of an unawareness structure from knowing-whether operators, Journal of Mathematical Economics 115, 103063.
Fukuda, S. (2023). Strategic games with a possibility correspondence model of belief and unawareness, mimeo., Bocconi University.
Fukuda, S. (2020). Unawareness without AU introspection, Journal of Mathematical Economics 94, 102456.
Fukuda, S., Kamada, Y. (2023). Unprecedented, mimeo., Bocconi University.
Galanis, S. (2018). Speculation under unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 109, 598-615.
Galanis, S. (2016). The value of information in risk-sharing environments with unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 97, 1-18.
Galanis, S. (2015). The value of information under unawareness, Journal of Economic Theory 157, 384-396.
Galanis, S. (2013). Unawareness of theorems, Economic Theory 52, 41-73.
Galanis, S. (2011). Syntactic foundation for unawareness of theorems, Theory and Decision 71, 593-614.
Galanis, S., Kotronis, S. (2021). Updating awareness and information aggregation, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 613-635.
Grant, S., Guerdjikova, A., Quiggin, J. (2021). Ambiguity and awareness: A coherent multiple priors model, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 571-612.
Grant, S., Kline, J., O’Callaghan, P., Quiggin, J. (2015). Sub-models for interactive unawareness, Theory and Decision 79, 601-613.
Grant, S., Kline, J., Quiggin, J. (2012). Differential awareness and incomplete contracts: A model of contractual disputes, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 82, 494-504.
Grant, S., Meneghel, I., Tourky, R. (2022). Learning under unawareness, Economic Theory 74, 447-475.
Grant, S., Quiggin, J. (2017). The evolution of awareness, Journal of Economic Psychology 63, 86-92, 2017.
Grant, S., Quiggin, J. (2015). A preference model for choice subject to surprise, Theory and Decision 79, 167-180.
Grant, S., Quiggin, J. (2013). Inductive reasoning about unawareness, Economic Theory 54, 717-755.
Grant, S., Quiggin, J. (2013). Bounded awareness, heuristics and the Precautionary Principle, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 93, 17-31.
Grant, S., Quiggin, J. (2008). Bounded rationality and small worlds, mimeo., Rice University.
Grossi, D., Velazquez-Quesada, F.R. (2015). Syntactic awareness in logical dynamics, Synthese 192, 4071–4105.
Grossi, D., Velazquez-Quesada, F.R. (2009). Twelve angry men: A study on the fine-gain of announcements, in: X. He, J. Horty, and E. Pacuit (Eds.), LORI 2009, LNAI 5834, Springer, 147-160.
Guarino, P. (2020). An epistemic analysis of dynamic games with unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 120, 257-288.
Guerdjikova, A., Quiggin, J. (2021). Financial market equilibrium with bounded awareness, mimeo., University of Grenoble.
Gui, Z.Q., Huang, S., Zhao, X.J. (2024). Financial fraud and investor awareness, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 219, 104-123.
Gui, Z.Q., Huang, S., Zhao, X.J. (2021). Whom to educate? Financial literacy and investor awareness, China Economic Review 67, 101608.
Guthman, R.R. (2023). Imperfect competition as a result of unawareness, mimeo., Alberto Hurtado University.
Halpern, J. (2001). Alternative semantics for unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 37, 321-339.
Halpern, J., Piermont, E. (2020). Dynamic awareness, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2020).
Halpern, J., Piermont, E. (2019). The logic for partial awareness, Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Halpern, J., Rego, L.C. (2014). Extensive games with possibly unaware players, Mathematical Social Sciences 70, 42-58.
Halpern, J., Rego, L.C. (2013). Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness revisited, Mathematical Social Sciences 66, 73-84.
Halpern, J., Rego, L.C. (2009). Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 67, 503-525.
Halpern, J., Rego, L.C. (2008). Interactive unawareness revisited, Games and Economic Behavior 62, 232-262.
Halpern, J., Rong, N., Saxena, A. (2010). MDPs with unawareness, Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Uncertainty in AI, 627-636.
Hayashi, T. (2012). Expanding state space and extension of beliefs, Theory and Decision 73, 591-604.
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2007/2021). Prudent rationalizability in generalized extensive-form games with unawareness, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 525-556.
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2013). Dynamic unawareness and rationalizable behavior, Games and Economic Behavior 81, 50-68.
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2013). Unawareness, beliefs, and speculative trade, Games and Economic Behavior 77, 100-121. Free Prior PDF version with the universal type space
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2008). A canonical model of interactive unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 62, 304-324. Free PDF
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2007). A canonical model for interactive unawareness, in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the 11th Conference (TARK 2007), Dov Samet (Ed.), Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 177-182.
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2007). Unawareness, beliefs and games, in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the 11th Conference (TARK 2007), Dov Samet (Ed.), Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 183-192.
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2006). Interactive unawareness, Journal of Economic Theory 130, 78-94. Free PDF
Heifetz, A., Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2003). Multiperson unawareness, in: Halpern, J.Y. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2003), 148-158.
Heinsalu, S. (2014). Universal type structures with unawareness, Games and Economic Behavior 83, 255-266.
Heinsalu, S. (2012). Equivalence of the information structure with unawareness to the logic of awareness, Journal of Economic Theory 147, 2453-2468.
Hernandes, M. (2012). Players who are learning how to play: A Haskell implementation of awareness dynamics, In: Okumura, M., Bekki, D., Satoh, K. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. JSAI-isAI 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7258, Springer,
Herweg, F., Schmidt, K. (2020). Procurement with unforeseen contingencies, Management Science 66, 2194-2212.
Hill, B. (2007). The logic of awareness change, Proceedings of ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action, University of the Basque Country Press.
Hill, B. (2010). Awareness dynamics, Journal of Philosophical Logic 39, 113-137.
Hill, B. (2013). Awareness and equilibrium, Synthese 190, 851-869.
Holliday, W.H. (2022). A partial state-space model for unawareness, mimeo., University of California at Berkeley.
Hoshi, T., Isaac, A. (2010). The strategic equivalence of games with unawareness, in: Grossi, D., Kurzen, L, Velazquez-Quesada, F.R. (Eds), Logic and the interactive rationality, Institute for Logic Language and Computation, 203-225.
Huang, Z.S., Kwast, K. (1991). Awareness, negation and logical omniscience, in J. van Eijck (Ed.), Logics in AI, volume 478 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, pages 282-300, Springer.
Innes, C., Lacaradis, A. (2020). Learning factored Markov decision processes with unawareness, Proceedings of The 35th Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference, PMLR 115, 123-133.
Karni, E. (2024). Decisions and discovery, mimeo., Johns Hopkins University.
Karni, E., Valenzuela-Stookey, Q., Vierø, M.-L. (2021). ``Reverse Bayesianism'': A generalization, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 557--569.
Karni, E., Vierø, M.-L. (2025). Measurements of attitudes towards unawareness, mimeo., Johns Hopkins University and Aarhus University.
Karni, E., Vierø, M.-L. (2017). Awareness of unawareness: A theory of decision making in the face of ignorance, Journal of Economic Theory 168, 301--328.
Karni, E., Vierø, M.-L. (2015). Probabilistic sophistication and reverse Bayesianism, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 50, 189–208.
Karni, E.,Vierø, M.-L. (2013). "Reverse Bayesianism": A choice-based theory of growing awareness, American Economic Review 103, 2790-2810.
Kawamura, E. (2005). Competitive equilibrium with unawareness in economies with production, Journal of Economic Theory 121, 167-191.
Kobayashi, N., Sasaki, Y. (2024). Rationalizable self-confirming equilibrium in static games with unawareness, International Journal of Game Theory, forthcoming.
Kochov, A. (2018). A behavioral definition of unforeseen contingencies, Journal of Economic Theory 175, 265–290.
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Kubono, Y. (2024). Logic of awareness for nested knowledge, Shizuoka University.
Kubono, Y., Racharak, T., Tojo, S. (2023). Logic of awareness in agent's reasoning, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART.
Lei, H.R., Zhao, X.J. (2021). Delegation and information disclosure with unforeseen contingencies, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21, 637-656.
Lehrer, E., Teper, R. (2014). Extension rules or what would the sage do?, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 6, 5-22.
Li J. (2008a). Modeling unawareness with an arbitrary state space, mimeo., University of Pennsylvania.
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Ma, W.J., Schipper, B.C. (2017). Does exposure to unawareness affect risk preferences? A preliminary result, Theory and Decision 83, 245–257.
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Meier, M., Schipper, B.C. (2023). Conditional dominance in games with unawareness, mimeo., The University of California, Davis.
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Quiggin, J. (2017). Dynamic awareness and zero probability beliefs, Theory and Decision 83, 309-313.
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Rego, L.C., Halpern, J. (2012). Generalized solution concepts in games with possibly unaware players, International Journal of Game Theory 41, 131-155.
Rego, L.C., Vieira, G.I.A. (2022). Interactive unawareness in the graph model for multilateral conflicts, Discrete Applied Mathematics 318, 31-46.
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Sasaki, Y. (2022). Unawareness of decision criteria in multicriteria games, Mathematical Social Sciences 119, 31–40.
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