Research - Burkhard C. Schipper

Working Papers

  1. Efficient Mechanisms under Unawareness (with Kym Pram)

  2. Predicting the Unpredictable under Subjective Expected Utility

  3. Interactive Awareness of Unawareness (Video of plenary talk at TARK 2021)

  4. Forward Guidance in a New Keynesian Model with Unawareness (with Minryul Park)
  5. Matching, Unanticipated Experiences, Divorce, Flirting, Rematching, Etc. (with Tina Danting Zhang)

  6. Insiders Trading on Unknown Unknowns (with Hang Zhou). (Power point)
  7. Rationalizable Screening and Disclosure under Unawareness (with Alejandro Francetich) (Power point).

  8. Raising Bidders' Awareness in Second-Price Auctions (with Yingxue Li)
  9. Tacit Knowledge (with Gaia Belardinelli).

  10. The Impact of the 2022 Oil Embargo and Price Cap on Russian Oil Prices (with Lutz Kilian and David Rapson)
  11. Network Formation in a Society with Fragmented Knowledge and Awareness.

  12. Disclosure under Unawareness: An Experiment (with Yingxue Li).

  13. Disclosure of Unknown Unknowns and Capital Formation (with Andres Carvajal, Marzena Rostek, and Guillaume Sublet).

  14. Kuhn's Theorem for Extensive Games with Unawareness.

  15. Indescribable Contingencies versus Unawareness in Incomplete Contracting (with Wenjun Ma).

  16. Common Belief in Choquet Rationality with an 'Attitude' (with Adam Dominiak).

  17. A Note on States and Acts in Theories of Decision under Uncertainty.

  18. Conditional Dominance in Dynamic Games with Unawareness (with Martin Meier).

  19. How Mindless is Standard Economics Really?


Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. Implicit Knowledge in Unawareness Structures (with Gaia Belardinelli), Synthese 204 (2024), 141. Preprint

  2. Level-k Thinking in the Extensive Form (with Hang Zhou), Economic Theory, forthcoming. Preprint.

  3. Sex Hormones and Choice under Risk, Journal of Economic Psychology 96 (2023), 102607. Preprint, STATA Do-file/Data.

  4. Strategic Teaching and Learning in Games, American Economics Journal: Microeconomics 14 (2022), 321-352. Preprint.

  5. Value-Capture in the Face of Known and Unknown Unknowns (with Kevin Bryan and Michael Ryall), Strategy Science 7 (2022), 157-189. Power point, Preprint
  6. Discovery and Equilibrium in Games with Unawareness, Journal of Economic Theory 198 (2021), 105365. Preprint.

  7. Prudent Rationalizability in Generalized Extensive-Form Games with Unawareness (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics21 (2021), 525-556. Preprint.

  8. The Evolutionary Stability of Optimism, Pessimism and Complete Ignorance, Theory and Decision 90 (2021), 417-454. Preprint.

  9. Strategic Reasoning in Persuasion Games: An Experiment (with Yingxue Li), Games and Economic Behavior 121 (2020), 329-367. Preprint, Stata do-file/data.

  10. Comprehensive Rationalizability (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), Games and Economic Behavior 116 (2019), 185-202. Preprint, insightful referee report.

  11. Dynamic Exploitation of Myopic Best Response, Dynamic Games and Applications 9 (2019), 1143-1167. Preprint
  12. Political Awareness, Microtargeting of Voters and Negative Electoral Campaigning (with Hee Yeul Woo), Quarterly Journal of Political Science 14 (2019), 41-88. Preprint

  13. Does Exposure to Unawareness Affect Risk Preferences? A Preliminary Result (with Wenjun Ma), Theory and Decision 83 (2017), 245–257. Preprint, Stata Do-file/Data

  14. Sex Hormones and Competitive Bidding, Management Science 61 (2015), 249-266. Preprint, Stata Do-file/Data

  15. Speculative Trade under Unawareness - The Infinite Case (with Martin Meier), Economic Theory Bulletin 2 (2014), 147-160. Preprint

  16. Unawareness - A Gentle Introduction to both the Literature and the Special Issue,Mathematical Social Sciences 70 (2014), 1-9. Preprint
  17. Preference-Based Unawareness, Mathematical Social Sciences 70 (2014), 34-41. Preprint

  18. Bayesian Games with Unawareness and Unawareness Perfection (with Martin Meier), Economic Theory 56 (2014), 219-249. Preprint

  19. When is Tit-For-Tat Unbeatable? (with Peter Duersch and Joerg Oechssler), International Journal of Game Theory 43 (2014), 25-36. Preprint

  20. Dynamic Unawareness and Rationalizable Behavior (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), Games and Economic Behavior 81 (2013), 50-68. Preprint

  21. Menstrual Cycle and Competitive Bidding (with Matthew Pearson), Games and Economic Behavior 78 (2013), 1-20. Preprint, STATA Do-file/Data

  22. Unawareness, Beliefs, and Speculative Trade (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), Games and Economic Behavior 77 (2013), 100-121. Prior version with the universal type space

  23. Awareness-Dependent Subjective Expected Utility, International Journal of Game Theory, 42 (2013), 725-753. Preprint

  24. Unbeatable Imitation (with Peter Duersch and Joerg Oechssler), Games and Economic Behavior 76 (2012), 88-96. Preprint

  25. The Visible Hand: Finger Ratio (2D:4D) and Competitive Bidding (with Matthew Pearson), Experimental Economics 15 (2012), 510-529. Preprint, STATA Do-file/Data

  26. Pure Strategy Equilibria in Symmetric Two-Player Zero-Sum Games (with Peter Duersch and Joerg Oechssler), International Journal of Game Theory 41 (2012), 553-564. Preprint

  27. Two Models of Unawareness: Comparing the Object-Based and Subjective-State-Space Approaches (with Oliver Board and Kim-Sau Chung), Synthese 179 (2011), 13-34. Preprint

  28. Rage Against the Machines: How Subjects Play Against Learning Algorithms (with Peter Duersch, Albert Kolb and Joerg Oechssler), Economic Theory 43 (2010), 407-430. Preprint

  29. Incentives for Subjects in Internet Experiments (with Peter Duersch and Joerg Oechssler), Economics Letters 105 (2009), 120-122. Preprint

  30. Imitators and Optimizers in Cournot Oligopoly, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33 (2009), 1981-1990. Preprint

  31. Cournot Competition Among Teams: An Experimental Study (with Philippe Raab), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 72 (2009), 691-702. Preprint, z-tree programs/Data

  32. Ambiguity and Social Interaction (with Juergen Eichberger and David Kelsey), Oxford Economic Papers, 61 (2009), 355-379. Preprint

  33. Granny versus Game Theorist: Ambiguity in Experimental Games (with Juergen Eichberger and David Kelsey), Theory and Decision 64 (2008), 333-362. Preprint

  34. On an Evolutionary Foundation of Neuroeconomics, Economics and Philosophy 24 (2008), 495-513. Preprint

  35. A Canonical Model for Interactive Unawareness (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), Games and Economic Behavior 62 (2008), 305-324. Preprint

  36. Interactive Unawareness (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), Journal of Economic Theory 130 (2006), 78-94. Preprint

  37. Submodularity and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory 32 (2003), 471-477. Preprint

  38. Can You Guess the Game You're Playing? (with Joerg Oechssler), Games and Economic Behavior 43 (2003), 137-152. Preprint


Publications in Refereed Volumes, Conferences & Proceedings

  1. Implicit Knowledge in Unawareness Structures  - Extended Abstract (with Gaia Belardinelli), in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Nineteens Conference (TARK 2023), Rineke Verbrugge (Ed.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 379, 93-112.
  2. Common Belief in Choquet Rationality and Ambiguity Attitudes (with Adam Dominiak), in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Seventeens Conference (TARK 2019), Larry Moss (Ed.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 297, 140-154.

  3. Self-Confirming Games: Unawareness, Discovery, and Equilibrium, in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Sixteens Conference (TARK 2017), Jerome Lang (Ed.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 251, 470–488.

  4. Awareness, in: Handbook of Epistemic Logic, Chapter 3, H. van Ditmarsch, J.Y. Halpern, W. van
    der Hoek and B. Kooi (Eds.), College Publications, London, 2015, 77–146.
  5. Ghostbusting Facebook: Detecting and Characterizing Phantom Profiles in Online Social Gaming Applications (with Atif Nazir, Saqip Raza and Chen-Nee Chuah), in: 3rd Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN 2010), USENIX.

  6. Unawareness, Beliefs and Games  (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the 11th Conference (TARK 2007), Dov Samet (Ed.), Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 183-192.

  7.  A Canonical Model for Interactive Unawareness  (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the 11th Conference (TARK 2007), Dov Samet (Ed.), Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 177-182.

  8. Granny versus Game Theorist – Ambiguity in Experimental Games (with Jürgen Eichberger and David Kelsey), in: Advances in Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Mohammed Abdellaboui and John D. Hey (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 2008, 183-204.  

  9. Multi-Person Unawareness (with Aviad Heifetz and Martin Meier), in: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference (TARK 2003), Moshe Tennenholtz (Ed.), ACM, 145-158.


Edited Books

TARK 2013 Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Chennai - India, 2013, 249 pages, ISBN 978-0-615-74716-3. 


Book Reviews and Introductions

  1. Introduction to the Special Issue on Unawareness, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 21 (2021), 355-360. Preprint.

  2. Game Theory: 5 Questions, edited by V.F. Hendricks and P.G. Hansen, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 67 (2008), 541-544.

Conferences Organized

Zoom Mini-Workshop on New Developments on Epistemic Logic with Unawareness, December 2, 2022

Zoom Mini-Workshop on "Value-Based Strategy: New Developments", June 11, 2021

Zoom Mini-Workshop on Financial Markets with Unawareness, May 21, 2021

Zoom Mini-Workshop on Contract Theory with Unawareness, April 23, 2021

Conference in Memory of Martine Quinzii, UC Davis, June 1-2, 2019

Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Game Theory at UC Davis", April 25, 2014

TARK 2013  - 14th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, January 7 - 9, 2013

UC Davis Workshop on Neuroeconomics & Endocrinological Economics, November 20-21, 2009